together we will

The mission of CASA of Jefferson County is to support and promote court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every child who has experienced abuse or neglect in Jefferson County has a safe, permanent home and the opportunity to thrive.
CASA of Jefferson County
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Jefferson County will provide abused, neglected or abandoned children with a highly trained volunteer to advocate for the child’s best interest before family courts in Jefferson County. Our volunteers will be recruited, screened and trained by paid staff. Our staff and volunteers will then work in conjunction with the judges, lawyers, and social workers to help ensure children receive appropriate care and support while navigating the court, child welfare, and foster care systems.
Volunteer training and
continuing education
continuing education
Public awareness
Legislative and
governmental advocacy
governmental advocacy
CASA of Jefferson County is 1/20 counties in the state of Alabama that serve abused and neglected children in their communities.
You can help Change A Child’s Story with CASA of Jefferson County.
In 1977 Seattle Judge David Soukup started a pilot Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) to recruit and train community volunteers to speak for the best interests of children in the courtroom.
The Alabama State CASA network was formed on September 24, 1993. The first three local CASA programs were in Jefferson, Madison, and Shelby counties.
Out of that, CASA of Jefferson County was established and became a 501(c)3 on February 19, 2009, and incorporated on July 15, 2010.
Board of Directors

Alex LaGanke
Community Volunteer

Ryan Grauel, CPA
Warren Averett

Christinia Hinton
Reach Counseling, LLC

S. Darrin Chatham
Chatham Wealth Advisors

Joi Travis
Travis Law, LLC

Vice President
Suzanne Ashe, Esq.
Community Volunteer

Cindy Dillard
Add + Source Group (ASG)

Drake Rippy
Hall Booth Smith, P.C.

Patricia Osborne
Protective Life Insurance Company

Kelly Burke
Executive Director
A former practicing family law attorney in Maryland and a CASA volunteer for CASA of Baltimore County, Maryland, Kelly has served as a Guardian Ad Litem and an appointed pro bono attorney for juveniles. While practicing law, Kelly was active with the Women’s Law Center of Maryland, an organization that serves women by advocating for the physical safety, economic security, and autonomy of women throughout the state. Kelly served as a pro bono attorney through CHANA, Baltimore, which provides legal representation to people in the Jewish community who experience abuse.
Kelly enjoys hiking, live music and travel.
To contact Kelly, please email:

Jasmine Branch
Program Director

Katy Leverett
Advocate Coordinator

Quin Elmore
Advocate Coordinator

Ashlei Dotson
Advocate Coordinator

Tanesha Reeves
Advocate Coordinator